The first 10 steps to losing weight

1. Eat dessert for breakfast

For some people, eating a carbohydrate-rich, protein-packed breakfast that includes dessert may help reduce hunger and cravings.

“The goal of a weight-loss diet should be not only weight reduction but also reduction of hunger and cravings, thus helping prevent weight regain,” says Daniela Jakubowicz, an Israeli researcher who studied the effects of diet on 200 obese people.

In the research by Jakubowicz, people on a calorie-restricted diet who ate chocolate, a doughnut, a cookie or a piece of cake with a high-protein breakfast lost substantially more weight than those who ate only a combination of tuna, egg whites, cheese or low-fat milk.

Jakubowicz attributed the better results from the dessert-with-breakfast diet to meal timing and composition. She said the diet’s high protein content reduced hunger; the combination of protein and carbs increased satiety, or feeling full; and the dessert decreased cravings for sweet, starchy and fatty foods. Such cravings often occur when a diet restricts sweets and can result in eating many fattening foods that are not allowed on the diet, she said.

Simple exercises for losing weight
Carl Lowe

By Carl Lowe

has written about health, fitness and nutrition for a wide range of publications including Prevention Magazine, Self Magazine and Time-Life Books. The author of more than a dozen books, he has been gluten-free since 2007.