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Rejuvenate your body with radiation

Sunlight is one of the four things that sustains life… the other three being oxygen, water and food.
But in addition to sustaining us, sunlight can also make life more bearable — thanks to a band of light known as far infrared radiation (FIR), which has been proven to provide many health benefits, from pain relief to disease prevention and weight loss.
It would be great if we could bottle these radiant rays and pour them over us in high doses whenever we needed a little a relief, wouldn’t it?
Well, it seems now you can, as science and industry has identified these safe, healing rays within the light spectrum and separated them out from the damaging rays.
Here’s how you can light up your health with them…
Far infrared radiation
The sun constantly gives off electromagnetic radiation and everything on earth is subjected to it. A subdivision of this spectrum is thermal radiation, also known as far infrared radiation (FIR), and it has been studied and shown to positively affect humans on a biological level.
An article in the journal Photonics & Lasers in Medicine, explains how FIR affects your body via cells, cell membranes, cell fluids and DNA/proteins.
“At the cellular level, the underlying biophysical mechanisms of the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with living cells can be framed in terms of altered cell membrane potentials and altered mitochondrial metabolism.”
FIR’s healthful effects…
Unlike hot packs or steam saunas, far infrared radiation is able to penetrate the body well beneath the skin surface, wherein it positively affects metabolism, mitochondria and cell membranes. Interestingly, FIR triggers relaxation while increasing heart rate and sweating.
When you use a FIR heating pad or sauna, the thermal radiation penetrates the body and effects changes with the cells and parasympathetic system. It raises your metabolism so you feel and sweat as if you have worked out, yet you have been relaxing. This counter-intuitive process has many positive changes, many of which have been studied in clinic.
- It induces sweating wherein stored toxins are easily released.
- It lowers blood pressure.
- It reduces the negative effects of electro smog, or the cell damaging effects of all the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation we are constantly bombarded with via Wi-Fi, cell phone and computers.
- Its blood circulating and oxygen boosting power reduces chronic pain without medication, according to this study.
- It reduces the fatigue, pain, sleep disturbance, and low-grade fever symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, according to this study.
- It reduces the pain and stiffness symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, according to this study.
- It improves quality of life in patients with type II diabetes mellitus, according to this study.
- It shows significant clinical improvements in pain and quality of life for office workers with low back pain, according to this study.
- It is a novel and noninvasive therapy that improves motor and nerve function, according to this study.
- It can stimulate the production of collagen and elastin — exactly what’s needed for plumper, firmer skin.
Types of FIR Devices
There are several great products out there that generate far infrared radiation for therapeutic use. I personally use FIR mats and saunas on a regular basis.
FIR Mats usually have jade or some other stones that capture the electric source and generate the FIR through their connection to the body. Mats come in various sizes and are often used to treat neck or back pain.
FIR Lamps can be placed about a foot over the body to target general areas in need of repair. These are usually coated in various minerals that when emitted along with the FIR are absorbed into the body. Many TCM practitioners use these.
FIR Saunas are the best choice for overall pain and detoxing as the entire body is enveloped in the thermal radiation. They elevate your body temperature, cause you to sweat profusely, boost your metabolism and positively affect your cells and membranes. The sauna I used was inexpensive and found online, and fold up and down with each use. No need for fancy here.
With so many great benefits to using far infrared radiation therapy, and with hundreds of studies behind the biological claims, I recommend this therapy as part of any chorionic health management issue. Long term use has not shown negative effect, yet has proven in cases to reverse many diseases and to heal many ailments. Give FIR a try and start rejuvenating your body today.