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3 massaging exercises to relieve your stiff body

Stiffness slows you down…
It can make an act as simple as getting up from a chair seem difficult. And the less particular muscles or joints are used, the worse it gets.
If you’re really stiff, even beginning basic yoga can be difficult, though it’s one of the best ways to stretch your body and keep it functioning well. Until you feel like you’re able, try these simple massage exercises that almost anyone should be able to do.
Not only will they help you get things moving again, at a slower, gentler pace, but these movements involve tapping which mimics the benefits of massage.
Many people carry stress in their neck, shoulders and in the lower back. A massage is great, but often we don’t have enough time or money to have them daily, as many of us would like. So try these instead…
In today’s video, Dr. Luke Jih, Director of the Golden Light Institute of Body Mind Advancement, shares with us three rotational massage exercises that will loosen and invigorate the shoulders and lower back, while melting away the stress.
Massage exercise 1 – Rotating arm wheel swings
Stand relaxed with feel shoulder width apart. You will swing your arms like wheels in opposite directions.
Begin by concurrently swinging the left arm forward and the right arm backward.
Each arm will lower and then raise, meeting at the top. While the top you will inhale. You will exhale as the lower and circle back up, and repeat.
As you rotate the arms you will swivel your hips for broader movement.
Do 10 repetitions in this direction, then repeat 10 more time in the opposite direction.
On the last repetition, when arms are at the top, just let them go all the sudden. You will feel great relaxation in your shoulders and neck.
Massage exercise 2 – Waist pivot arm swings
Begin relaxed with arms by your sides and feet shoulder width apart.
Use your waist to rotate your torso left and right. This movement will automatically cause your arms to swing from side to side.
This exercise is done at three levels.
First, allow your arms to be completely relaxed and to swing. Each rotation of the waist sends one arm in front and one in back of you. At each location your hands will tap your belly and low back, like a massage.
You will alternate inhalation and exhalation with each rotation and lower back tap.
Do a set of 10 repetitions.
Second, adjust so the front hand raises to tap the upper chest, arm or shoulder (whichever you can comfortably reach). Repeat the same way, doing another set of 10 repetitions.
Third, raise the front arm even higher, if you can, and tap your neck or shoulder. Again, the other lower hand taps the lower back and the same time, for 10 repetitions.
This exercise helps release tension in the low back, waist and shoulders.
Massage exercise 3 – Side steps, swing waist
Begin in a relaxed starting position, with arms by your side and right foot forward of the left.
Inhale as you raise your right arm so the elbow is bent and the hand is about eye height. The left arm is bent with hand held near the right elbow.
Exhale as you rotate your waist to your left. Then lower your arms, rotate back to front, raise your arms and repeat the motion. Do 10 repetitions.
Now step forward with your left foot so it is forward. Raise your left arm with hand about eye height and elbow bent. Bend the right arm and hold the hand near left elbow.
Repeat 10 repetitions of the exercise, this time rotating to your right.
How many and when
It is recommended to do these massage exercises both in the morning on awaking to invigorate and loosen the body and again in the evening before bed to relax the tension from the day. Ten repetitions of each on each side is a good start; do more or less as you are able and as feels good to you.