The secret that slays your desire for delicious-smelling junk food

Scents are powerful…

The smell of a certain cologne or perfume can transport you to another place and time.

A brief whiff of a garbage can that needs to be emptied can instantly turn your stomach sour.

And the wafting fragrance of fried dough from a nearby doughnut shop can give you a craving for a doughnut and coffee… a craving that’s hard to kick.

In fact, when it comes to eating healthy, it seems like scent isn’t always your ally.

How hard is it to turn down a fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie once you catch a whiff of it? Or garlic bread? Or French fries?

Scent triggers cravings. And scent-based cravings are hard to resist.

But there’s a secret to overcoming those stubborn cravings. All it takes is a tiny bit of patience…

Science’s simple answer

Next time the smell of burgers grilling and French fries frying makes you want to toss your salad in the trash, here’s what you need to do…

Wait it out.

A new study from researchers at the University of Florida shows that people who smell a tasty treat like a cookie for less than 30 seconds are more likely to want one. But if you can make it past two minutes, the smell (and the treat) loses appeal. Suddenly, you’re more likely to choose a healthy snack.

In the study, researchers used a nebulizer (a machine that released a scented mist) to expose people to the smell of unhealthy snacks like cookies and pizza, as well as healthy snacks like strawberries and apples. Then they asked people to choose between unhealthy snacks and healthier alternatives.

Here’s what researchers found…

People who smelled the cookie or pizza scent for 30 seconds or less still wanted the tasty treat. But after two minutes, the less healthy snacks lost their glimmer.

Suddenly, people were happy to eat something healthy, like strawberries or an apple, instead of indulging in something sweet, fatty or starchy.

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Go forth and slay your junk food cravings

So, next time an alluring scent tempts you to make a poor food choice, remember this study. Hold tight for at least two minutes, and the craving should pass.

It helps to have a healthy snack on hand too (maybe an apple? or some nuts?) so you can divert your craving to something else. After all, the craving didn’t strike just because the food smells good. You’re probably hungry too!

If you’re struggling to eat healthy whether there’s a delicious-smelling treat in the oven or not, here are a few other healthy eating hacks…

You can make small changes in your environment to increase your odds of making healthier food decisions. Research shows that soft, calming music makes you more mindful about what you eat, while louder, faster music leads to less healthy choices.

Lighting makes a difference too. Research shows that bright lighting leads to healthier food choices than dim lighting.

So hopefully, by picking out the right tunes, adjusting the lighting and waiting out those scent-based cravings you’ll be able to resist the urge to indulge more often.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!


  1. Fighting the Crave for Fattening Food? Just Surround Yourself in its Scent — University of Southern Florida
  2. Bright lighting encourages healthy food choices — MedicalXpress
  3. Cheeseburger or salad? How music volume impacts your decision — MedicalXpress
Jenny Smiechowski

By Jenny Smiechowski

Jenny Smiechowski is a Chicago-based freelance writer who specializes in health, nutrition and the environment. Her work has appeared in online and print publications like Chicagoland Gardening magazine, Organic Lifestyle Magazine, BetterLife Magazine,, and