
Joyce Hollman

The not-so-surprising reason these OTC decongestants will be banned

With cold and flu season approaching, you need to hear an ugly truth: Many decongestants we’ve turned to for sinus pain and pressure have been deemed ineffective and will leave drugstore shelves soon. Here’s why some work and some don’t…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What are nasal polyps, why they come back and what to do

Do you live with never-ending congestion and recurrent sinus infections? Feel like you can’t get enough air through your nose? Nasal polyps may be to blame. Your doctor can remove them, but to keep them from returning, do these 2 things…

Margaret Cantwell

The golden ticket to a fall free of allergy symptoms

If nature can throw allergens at us, it’s not surprising the answer to taming them is found in nature as well. If anyone understands the concept of balance, it’s Mother Nature. Thanks to these natural allergy relievers, you could enjoy fall without walking around in an antihistamine fog…

Carolyn Gretton

Grow an indoor garden and watch your immune system flourish

Research has shown that gardening is good for your joints, longevity and stress levels. And those benefits come from the dirt. But there’s more… getting your hands dirty is tied to the healthy functioning of your immune system thanks to beneficial microbes.

Joyce Hollman

Hidden food allergies and the link to heart damage

What if you had a food allergy to a common allergen, like milk, peanuts or shellfish, but it was mild enough that you had none of the typical symptoms? New findings say continuing to eat an offending food could cause heart damage that could shorten your life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surprising risk from reusable water bottles

Reusable water bottles are much more than a fad. They help us keep up with hydration efforts and that convenience promotes a healthy lifestyle. But if we’re not careful about how we use them, they can lead to sickness instead of wellness real fast…