Amino Acids

Joyce Hollman

A bodybuilding supplement may halt Alzheimer’s progression

Exercise is great for the brain. And if your exercise game includes bodybuilding, you may have an edge over the rest of us: halting the progression of Alzheimer’s. But if weight training is off the table for you, there’s an easier way…

Joyce Hollman

The missing amino acid linked to depression

New research indicates that a deficiency in an amino acid could be part of what causes depression. But previous research has validated its importance in metabolism, heart health, immune function and even longevity. Are you getting enough?

Joyce Hollman

Taurine: The anti-aging amino acid

Imagine turning up the switch on a natural substance your body produces to avoid the ailments of aging. Wishful thinking? Not with this amino acid’s potential to suppress weight gain, increase bone mass, muscle strength and endurance, reduce depression, insulin resistance, DNA damage and more…

Carolyn Gretton

The amino acid deficiency tied to heart problems and the nut that fixes it

In Rome, walnuts were considered the food of the gods. Considering what we now know of their exceptional heart health benefits, there’s good reason to hold them in such high regard. But the biggest benefit may come from the nuts special relationship with your gut…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Proline: Why this amino acid causes depression for some

More than 37 million Americans now take medications for depression. And for far too long experts focused on chemical imbalances in the brain these drugs treat. But another imbalance is proving just as powerful at affecting your mood. And the medicine is much easier to swallow…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The superfood that battles depression, anxiety and more

There’s one food that has racked up an incredibly impressive array of health benefits backed by science. From improving blood sugar and fighting obesity to boosting immunity and reducing joint pain, mushrooms are truly magical. And now researchers say you can chalk one more big benefit up to fungi — better mental health.