
Joyce Hollman

This Japanese spice turns up the heat on brain power

There are many foods that are good for your brain. But a new study adds one to the list that can improve your memory within weeks. Not many people can handle its heat though… but no worries, it comes in supplement form, too.

Carolyn Gretton

The little gland that’s key to a lifetime of good health

You probably know more about your thyroid and adrenals than an odd little gland nestled in the chest called the thymus. Considering research believes it could be key to a lifetime of good health, here’s a much-needed introduction to what it does and why it needs your attention…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee: The healthy aging secret under our noses

While everyone has been looking for a way to live healthier longer, it appears the simplest answer has been under our noses. A review of dozens of studies shows our favorite drink challenges 7 pillars of aging…

Carolyn Gretton

Twins help reveal powerful reason diet links to depression

For years, the answer to depression has been drugs that often don’t work and lead to depressing side effects. But an 11-year twin study provides unique insight on food’s strong link to the mood disorder…

Jenny Smiechowski

The flu-fighting supplement that starves cancer

A supplement that fights respiratory infections has been overshadowed by vitamin C, even though studies show it can reduce the likelihood of getting the flu by more than 50%. But its power to starve cancer might help it stand out…

Margaret Cantwell

10 micronutrients that turn the key on age reversal

When cellular energy diminishes, the body’s processes break down and so do we. That’s aging. But one key factor can be manipulated to slow it, and now research says potentially reverse it, including the outward signs we’d really like to do something about…