Bioidentical Hormones

Margaret Cantwell

The hormone imbalance that sets you up for Alzheimer’s

Hormone treatment therapies of the past have many of us too scared to consider HRT. But there is an urgent reason why you should consider your options… That menopause ‘brain fog’ may not end with the last hot flash. In fact, it could be the reason two-thirds of Alzheimer’s victims are women…

Dr. Michael Cutler

7 reasons to consider bio-identical hormone replacement therapy

Some studies indicate that women who take synthetic, chemically modified prescription hormones for extended periods of time have an increased incidence of breast cancer, heart attack and stroke, and pulmonary embolism. So lets’ talk about bio-identical therapy…

Dr. Michael Cutler

HRT myths and breakthroughs for women

Last week, I wrote about ways for men to enhance testosterone levels. Now let’s focus on testosterone and oxytocin hormone replacement for women. But first, let’s review the most common symptoms women can experience as a result of low testosterone…

Easy Health Options Staff

M.D.s are flip-flopping over long-used hormone therapies

Custom-compounded bio-identical hormone therapy has been widely used and popular among doctors who practice endocrinology — the treatment of diseases related to hormones. That is, until now…