Blood Pressure Support

Jenny Smiechowski

Is winter really heart attack season?

As the cold weather approaches, you know you have to protect yourself from ailments like cold and flu. But what about more serious events, like heart attack? Surprsingly, as the temperatures go down our risk for heart attack goes up. Here’s why (an odd effect on blood vessels, for one) and what to do…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Nighttime blood pressure: What every diabetic should know

It’s no secret blood sugar problems can complicate your health. In fact, it’s been long known that diabetes and heart trouble go hand-in-hand. And according to researchers at the American Heart Association, every diabetic should be on the lookout for one thing that could double their risk for heart trouble — what your blood pressure does at night.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Why high blood pressure means low bone density

Ever feel like your body fell apart at a certain age? Seems unfair how some conditions seem to team up to take your health down. One such surprising tag team is high blood pressure and low bone density. Well, I know a vitamin whose tag team game is powerful enough to wrangle them both…

Carolyn Gretton

8 factors to keep your brain up to 20 years younger

As we grow older, the odds of getting dementia increase. But is that a given? When you take a look at the relationship between age and 8 specific risk factors, you might just find you can keep your brain up to 20 years younger than your contemporaries…

Carolyn Gretton

Common symptoms of 6 cardiovascular diseases

When you hear the words “cardiovascular disease” (CVD), the first thing that comes to your mind is probably chest pain. But the symptoms are just as varied as the different diseases that fall under the CVD umbrella. Here are 6 you need to know…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diet that fights erectile dysfunction

With every decade that passes, a man’s risk of ED goes up another 10 percent. That means men in their 50s have about a 50 percent chance of dealing with the frustrating and embarrassing problem. Instead of reaching for the little blue pill, there’s a diet found to get to the root of the problem by improving both testosterone levels and blood flow…