Blood sugar

Jenny Smiechowski

Say goodbye to type 2 diabetes in 8 weeks

If you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you may be operating under a false belief about your situation… You may believe that once you’ve crossed the line into type 2 diabetes territory, there’s no going back. You’re stuck with this disease for the rest of your life. But that’s far from the truth.

Joyce Hollman

How to slash the dangers of sitting surprisingly fast

As someone who sits at her desk all day long, I’m a prime candidate for diabetes, heart disease and dementia. Obviously, my work day leaves only minutes to spare. But to lower blood pressure and blood sugar, that’s literally all I need…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Demystifying diagnostics: Blood tests and what they mean

Blood tests are part of annual health physicals for most of us. Sometimes, though, tests may be needed beyond the basics, including more advanced and in-depth tests for disease risk profiling. Here’s your insider’s guide to blood tests…

Carolyn Gretton

The activity that slashes diabetes risk 44 percent

Blood sugar problems that lead to diabetes are most common around the age of 45. That spells big trouble, including an increased risk of heart disease, nerve damage and even sexual problems. Lifestyle changes can improve things, but this one gets powerful results…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The ‘diabetes’ spice that beat metformin

The list of people I know with type 2 diabetes grows daily. So does the number of people on diabetes drugs, like metformin. But what if I told you that there was a plant that may be just as effective at improving glucose intolerance as metformin, but without the side effects?

Jenny Smiechowski

The 4-minute hack that lowers blood sugar for hours

Did you know that every time you exercise, your muscles start using more of the glucose (and fat) in your bloodstream? That’s why it’s recommended for balancing blood sugar. But what if you have high blood sugar, but no time to exercise? Try this instead…