Blood sugar

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The strawberry solution to heart disease and diabetes

Strawberries are the sweetest thing about summer, pun intended. What’s even sweeter is news that eating them isn’t just enjoyable: adding strawberries to your daily diet means better blood sugar and a significantly lower risk of heart disease…

Joyce Hollman

The link between diabetes and silent heart attacks

The human body is complex. Conditions that may seem unrelated can have connections below the surface, like diabetes and the increased risk for heart problems. And as if it couldn’t get more complex, there’s the “silent heart” attack factor…

Joyce Hollman

7 amazing benefits of pterostilbene

If you try to stay on top of your heart, brain and blood sugar health, you’re aware of resveratrol, the polyphenol found in red wine and dark chocolate. But what about its powerful cousin? From blood pressure to calorie burn, you’ll want pterostilbene in your life…

Carolyn Gretton

The syndrome that quadruples the risk of diabetic neuropathy

More than 50 percent of the half a billion people with diabetes suffer from a nerve condition that can cause pain and numbness. And most of them aren’t even aware they have it, the threats it poses or about the syndrome that quadruples their risk for it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 factors that weigh heavy on breast cancer risk and death

Fat cells release hormones that, especially in postmenopausal women, can fuel breast cancer. But additional factors have been found to significantly stack the odds, whether weight is a factor or not. The good news is you can do simple diagnostics at home to identify these risks and turn them around…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The Amazonian fruit ‘prescription’ that tames blood sugar

Insulin resistance is considered a driver for the cluster of conditions that make up metabolic syndrome. When blood sugar spikes often, the pancreas produces too much insulin and the body stops responding to it. Once the door’s open, it’s hard to keep the other conditions out…