Blood sugar

Joyce Hollman

Why late nights lead to blood sugar trouble

Can avoiding diabetes really be as simple as switching from a night owl to a morning person? The science says the difference can be substantial. But if your circadian rhythm or job makes that hard, you’re not doomed…

Joyce Hollman

Flavanols: Heart health support that’s ‘official’

Guidelines have long been established for vitamins to help us avoid deficiencies. But bioactive compounds, nutrients that go beyond basic nutrition and are studied for their potential to prevent disease, are different. And flavanols have just become official…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3+ signs you’re headed for an early heart attack

You wouldn’t knowingly store up health problems that will come back to bite you later in life, right? But that’s what we do when, just because we “feel” well, we ignore a handful of signs that could mean heart attack or stroke at an earlier age than others.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Cortisol: The forgotten blood sugar trigger

Stress causes a boatload of problems no matter who you are. And these days it seems there’s so much more triggering stress. But if you have diabetes, you should know that stress is an often-forgotten trigger that can send your blood sugar levels through the roof as well…

Carolyn Gretton

How an early breakfast can help you dodge diabetes

We’re finding out that when it comes to chronic disease, when you eat may be as important as what you eat. Researchers are finding that an early breakfast may be key to reducing the risk of this common condition that sneaks up on far too many of us…

Margaret Cantwell

Black cumin seed and diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is considered preventable. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. Other conditions can make it harder to reverse, including obesity, hypertension and metabolic syndrome. But there is quite a bit of published research that indicates an ancient seed could help…