Blood sugar

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

What is borderline cholesterol, and what should I do about it?

If you’ve been told your total cholesterol is “borderline high,” you’re not alone. That’s a common scenario for about 85 million Americans. But what does that mean exactly? And should you be worried? The doctor says that depends on several factors…

Joyce Hollman

Why sleep trouble can lead to blood sugar trouble

While you’re asleep, restorative processes take place. If your sleep is interrupted so are these important processes. That’s just one link between sleep trouble and blood sugar trouble research has identified, even when following a healthy diet…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The chemical connection between diet, diabetes and cancer

A study aiming to understand what factors elevate risk in families susceptible to cancer ended up discovering a deeper mechanism linking an essential “energy consumption pathway” to cancer development. Here’s how it works and what activates it…

Jedha Dening

A simple trick to lower morning blood sugar

Gaining tight control over your daily blood sugar levels by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, stressing less and getting good quality sleep, will all help control your morning readings. But there is one simple trick that may help even more…

Joyce Hollman

3 spices that tackled A1C, fasting glucose, insulin and won

Spices are at the top of the ORAC scale. That means they have exceptional anitoxidant capacity to keep oxidative stress from ruining our health. And when it comes to type 2 diabetes, three really stand out against three threats to your glycemic profile…

Carolyn Gretton

ACV: From ancient remedy to social media sensation

Social Media’s favorite new health fad, apple cider vinegar, is actually thousands of years old. But it’s experiencing a resurgence for its potential in treating some modern ailments that have grown in prevalence over the past several years…