
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The heavy metal making your allergies worse

Living with allergies, you might think your miserable symptoms are something you’re stuck with. Hold on to your socks. If you’ve noticed they’re worse, it’s not your typical trigger…

Margaret Cantwell

Cancelling the mercury threat in tuna

Toxic metals, like lead and mercury, cause brain damage, heart problems and kidney dysfunction. Abundant in daily life, the threat is real, but the news is good: Mercury can be manufactured out of our favorite nutrient-rich fish.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The toxin worse on your heart than smoking or cholesterol

Toxic metals, including heavy metals, are metal compounds that negatively impact human health. The American Heart Association recently called out three that harm the heart. But one in particular has been found to have a heart-related death rate six times higher than previously thought…

Joyce Hollman

Microplastics have breached human brains: What are the implications?

Microplastics have been found in our blood, liver, kidneys, muscles, heart, artery plaque and blood clots. As if this weren’t scary enough, we’re now learning for the first time that they have also invaded our brains. What does it mean and what can we do?

Carolyn Gretton

Microplastics are building up in blood clots

Research into the impact of microplastics on our health is still in its early days. But so far, the evidence is alarming, including the presence of microplastics in arterial plaques. Now researchers are finding microplastic blood clots deep inside the body…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How concerning is news about lead in Stanley cups?

Drinking water is a healthy habit — one that’s made tumblers popular for keeping it cold and tracking how much we drink. But headlines implying some cups contain lead could make you wonder if your healthy habit has been sabotaged. Here’s why that cup may be the least of your worries…