
Virginia Tims-Lawson

The dessert that offers 4 big health benefits

I’m not a big dessert eater. It turns out that if you’re going to choose just one dessert to get your sweet fix, it should be chocolate. That’s because two new studies show that eating chocolate (specifically the dark variety) comes with 4 huge health benefits. Here’s why you and I should be eating it regularly…

Joyce Hollman

Would you take a chocolate pill?

Here’s news that will warm a chocolate-lover’s heart: The health benefits of eating chocolate are indisputable. In fact, dark chocolate has been proven to be one of the healthiest foods around, holding its own even against many fruits and vegetables. But would you prefer a pill or a delicious chocolate bar?

Jenny Smiechowski

The delectable way to boost your brain power

If you’ve ever had a less-than-restful night’s sleep, you know your ability to function takes a dive the next day… your first instinct may be to reach for a snack to give your brain and your energy levels a boost. That’s not such a bad idea. As long as you choose the right snack…

Jenny Smiechowski

How much cocoa does it take to lessen heart attack and stroke risk?

People with Afib are a whopping FIVE times more likely to have a stroke than people with a normal heart rhythm. And since one in four people are at risk for developing Afib, prevention should be at the top of your mind. And so should knowing how much cocoa can help…

Jedha Dening

The right ‘chocolate’ prescription to lower your blood pressure

There’s no getting around it: most of us absolutely adore chocolate! Like many, perhaps you even struggle to balance your desire to eat healthy with your desire to enjoy life’s pleasures — such as chocolate! The good news is you may not have to choose.

Jedha Dening

Drink wine and eat chocolate to see better

If you want a good excuse to enjoy your glass of red wine with dinner, you’ve now got one! Overall, resveratrol stacks up to be a very potent antioxidant, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory agent, with some seriously powerful benefits for your vision…