
Joyce Hollman

Got 10 hours? Use it to turn metabolic syndrome around

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of symptoms affecting one-third of American adults that increases risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke. If you have excess belly fat, high cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, you may be one of them. If you’ve got 10 hours, you can turn it around before it’s too late.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

New way walnuts improve cholesterol discovered

From controlling type 2 diabetes to stopping cancer in its tracks, if you want to stay in tip-top shape, nuts could be your ticket to a longer, healthier life. And it looks like the benefits of walnuts just keep stacking up, especially where heart health is concerned…

Joyce Hollman

The chemicals causing high cholesterol

We’ve known about the harmful effects of phthalates for some time now. They disrupt our hormones. They also cause thousands of deaths from heart disease each year. A new study has shown exactly how a specific chemical works in our bodies to raise cholesterol and cause heart disease.

Joyce Hollman

Can pomegranate juice really lower cholesterol?

Pomegranates have an extremely high antioxidant content. In fact, its juice has three times more antioxidants than either green tea or red wine! That’s just one of many reasons it’s considered a superfood. Another may be proof of what it did to particularly troublesome cholesterol numbers when it was put to the test…

Carolyn Gretton

How Alzheimer’s may start in the liver

A hallmark feature of Alzheimer’s disease is the progressive accumulation of toxic protein deposits within the brain called beta-amyloid. Though we’ve learned a lot about the disease, researchers haven’t been sure where the amyloid originated from, or why it deposited in the brain. New research indicates a surprising source…

Joyce Hollman

12 habits that pack on dangerous belly fat

Not all fat is created equal. Belly fat, also called visceral fat, causes unhealthy chemical reactions in your body. Fat around your midsection puts you at greater risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke than being obese or overweight. To lower your risks, ditch these 12 habits…