
Joyce Hollman

When leg cramps may be a serious warning sign

It’s human nature to dismiss aches and pains especially those more commonplace with age. But if you experience leg cramps that get better when you rest, or burning and aching feet, you may have a serious condition that leads to clots.

Jenny Smiechowski

Do you know the sweet potato weight loss secret?

If you’re planning on preparing sweet potatoes for the holidays or any time after, there’s something you should know: Not only are they tasty and nutrient-rich, but when prepared a certain way, they’ll give up a goldmine of super slimming peptides…

Carolyn Gretton

Blood work differences reveal why some live to 100

There’s been much speculation as to why some people live to 100 and beyond. But why wonder when you can compare the blood work of centenarians against their shorter-lived counterparts and see the specific biomarkers linked to exceptional longevity…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 odd signs of heart disease

We’re conditioned to think of high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and even shortness of breath when it comes to heart disease. But, there are outward signs, too. Here are the six signs you should look for…

Joyce Hollman

Flavanols: Heart health support that’s ‘official’

Guidelines have long been established for vitamins to help us avoid deficiencies. But bioactive compounds, nutrients that go beyond basic nutrition and are studied for their potential to prevent disease, are different. And flavanols have just become official…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3+ signs you’re headed for an early heart attack

You wouldn’t knowingly store up health problems that will come back to bite you later in life, right? But that’s what we do when, just because we “feel” well, we ignore a handful of signs that could mean heart attack or stroke at an earlier age than others.