
Joyce Hollman

Long-term proof: An avocado a day keeps heart disease away

It’s no secret that avocados have lots of health benefits wrapped up in one little package, including phytochemicals that protect eyesight and fight cancer. But the connection between eating avocados and lowering your risk of heart disease just got even stronger…

Joyce Hollman

How the right fiber helps slash dementia risk

We’re always hearing we should eat more fiber. It helps maintain a healthy digestive system, reduces cholesterol and improves heart health. Now, research is finding that eating more of a particular type of fiber may also keep dementia away…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

One thing diabetics should eat to bring BP, cholesterol, and fasting glucose down

If you have diabetes, you’d think that it would be enough that you have to deal with the disease itself and all of the symptoms it causes… But you’re wide open for hypertension and heart disease. Luckily, just one nutrient can help you fight three of your worst enemies and hold onto your health…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

10 steps to simplify living heart healthy

To lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, we’re told to eat a heart-healthy diet. What exactly is heart-healthy? Is it only eating certain types of foods and eliminating others? Or is there a way to get to that elusive heart-healthy status without feeling deprived? Yes, according to these new rules…

Joyce Hollman

11 exotic superfruits with supersized nutrition

Instead of dreaming of tropical islands this winter, why not try some exotic fruits that hail from warmer climates? Here are 11 exotic “superfruits” that are fun to try, and packed with enough nutritional power to dispel the winter doldrums and most anything else that ails you…

Joyce Hollman

7 reasons to try a persimmon now

Persimmons are a small, sweet fruit that’s around from October to January. If you’ve never tried them, you’re missing out! They’re chock full of nutrients that lower your blood pressure, protect your eyesight and keep your brain young…