
Margaret Cantwell

2 servings a day drops pounds, inches, BMI and disease risk

What if adding two specific foods to your day could not only help you drop pounds, lose inches and significantly lower your body mass index, but also rescue everything that’s wrong with your health? It sounds too good to be true, but these are the facts…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why summer heat is hard on your heart and how to keep cool

If you have heart problems, it’s important to understand how heat can compound your risks. When your body tries to cool down, the process stresses the heart in several ways, But you can still enjoy summer, keep your cool and stay safe with these tips…

Easy Health Options Staff

This vitamin gets sucked from your body when you soak up the sun

Sensibly soaking up the sun is a good way to boost your vitamin D. But research shows that while you’re soaking up the sun, the sun is soaking up your stores of another very important vitamin — one that can help your body fend off some pretty nasty illnesses and chronic conditions…

Carl Lowe

Survive the heat with a single supplement

Summer heat is a real hazzard. But you can help your body shrug off the dog days of summer with a simple vitamin. Sound crazy? Not when you understand how it keeps your blood moving, which cools your skin and reduces your risk for stroke…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

People who eat pasta have healthier diets and weight

If you’re a pasta lover, I’ve got good news! Despite the bad rap pasta dishes have gotten, new research is revealing that it can be part of a healthy diet and could also help you lose weight and keep your waist trim. But you don’t get the all-clear to slather it with thick, creamy Alfredo sauce…

Jenny Smiechowski

The hidden heart risk of restless legs

Restless leg syndrome is frustrating. Just when you’re about to relax, your legs get the creepy-crawlies. While there’s a lot of conjecture about what causes restless leg, one thing is crystal clear… those uncomfortable feelings in your legs come with serious health risks.