
Carolyn Gretton

The ‘d’eeper problem behind age-related muscle weakness

Sarcopenia is the progressive loss of muscle mass, strength and functionality associated with aging. But have you heard of dynapenia? If you want to keep fraily, falls and decline out of your future, you need to understand how deep age-related muscle loss goes.

Jenny Smiechowski

The diet that improves aging (even in nursing home residents!)

As you age, your body starts breaking down and becomes more inflamed. This leads to frailty… or what’s commonly thought of as “getting old.” You walk slower, feel creakier and just don’t have as much physical or mental spunk as you once did. But here’s something you may not know… the right diet can turn that around!

Carolyn Gretton

The link between CoQ10 and age-related frailty

Frailty can strike anyone over the age of 65, and the subtle changes can sneak up if you’re not careful. The factor that makes it more likely is the loss of a certain nutrient that circulates in your blood less and less with each passing birthday, increasing vulnerability to this scourge of aging…

Carolyn Gretton

The sure sign after 65 you’re headed for an early grave

As we get older, we expect that certain things just won’t work as well as they used to. We don’t move quite as fast and some activities may seem physically harder. However, if you have trouble getting off the sofa or opening a jar, it’s time for a serious assessment to turn things around — if you don’t want to end up in an early grave.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Hyaluronic acid: From firming skin to fighting age-related muscle loss

Muscle loss begins to really affect us around the age of 40 and ramps up with each year. But who knew scientists would find a connection between the same anti-aging ingredient we reach for to keep our skin firm and the process of age-related muscle loss?

Carolyn Gretton

The over-40 gym habit essential to avoid disease

Sarcopenia, which kicks in after age 40, accelerates muscle loss with each passing year. Worse, this gradual deterioration increases risk for diabetes, heart attack and dementia, not to mention male health problems. There’s a habit you can pick up today to guard against these dangers…