Heart Disease

Carolyn Gretton

The 50-step-a-day activity that slashes heart disease risk

Having trouble getting in 10,000 steps a day? I have good news: Many studies show that much may be overkill. The magic number for better heart health may be much, much lower — as long as you’re getting them this way…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 odd signs of heart disease

We’re conditioned to think of high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and even shortness of breath when it comes to heart disease. But, there are outward signs, too. Here are the six signs you should look for…

Joyce Hollman

The significant impact 500 steps has on your heart

Hold onto your wallet, because you won’t need an electronic step counter for this: Sure you already know walking is great for the health of your heart. But I bet you thought you’d need a lot more than 500 steps to make an impact like this…

Joyce Hollman

6 foods for a healthier heart and longer life

It seems that too much advice only warns us off foods that are unhealthy, when all we need is some simple advice, including food swaps, that can help us choose what to put on our plates every day to avoid the number one killer of Americans and add years to our lives. Well, here you go…

Carolyn Gretton

The emotion that worsens heart trouble in diabetics

Certain factors can increase a person’s risks for heart trouble. Like a broken record, we’re warned to eat right, exercise and not to smoke to keep all our numbers low. But for diabetics there’s one risk factor that’s been found to worsen them all…

Carolyn Gretton

The strong connection between naps, hypertension and heart trouble

Evidence is stacking up that napping is connected to heart trouble. If you’re around the age of 60, you’re most affected and need to take a serious look at your blood pressure, how long you sleep at night and how frequent those naps have become…