Heart Failure

Carolyn Gretton

The strong link between gum disease and heart failure

It’s pretty astonishing that medical professionals still treat the mouth as separate from the rest of the body. Research has already shown how strongly connected it is to other organs, particularly the heart. Now, an underlying factor in gum disease can skyrocket risk for heart failure.

Joyce Hollman

How obesity can lead straight to heart failure

A lot’s been said about obesity as a contributor to diseases like cancer, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. And some of it’s been contradicted. But cardiac scans don’t lie about the physical changes obesity wreaks on the heart that lead straight to heart failure…

Carolyn Gretton

What gout and heart failure have in common

Gout has been established as a risk factor in certain cardiovascular conditions, including stroke and heart attack. But what about heart failure? Exploring a potential link between these two conditions may offer heart failure patients a new lifeline…

Joyce Hollman

4 behaviors that put you in line for heart failure

Heart failure is an often misunderstood diagnosis. It doesn’t mean your heart stops working. But it can be deadly. Here’s a primer on risk factors, symptoms, behaviors you can change to lower your risk, and a few science-backed ways to make improvements if you’ve been diagnosed.

Joyce Hollman

Avoiding heart failure is the best reason to stay hydrated

You’ve probably heard that your body is 50 percent water. But did you know some of your most vital organs are up to 80 percent water? Your heart is one of them. And we’re hearing that your future risk of heart failure may hinge on how well-hydrated you keep it…

Joyce Hollman

The drink that slashes your risk of heart failure

To keep our hearts healthy, we’re bombarded with well-meaning advice. Eat this, don’t eat that. Exercise this much. Don’t sit too much. Avoid bad habits and reduce the stress levels in your life. But there’s one simple piece of advice that, if you follow especially during midlife, could eliminate heart failure from your future…