Heavy Metals

Margaret Cantwell

Cancelling the mercury threat in tuna

Toxic metals, like lead and mercury, cause brain damage, heart problems and kidney dysfunction. Abundant in daily life, the threat is real, but the news is good: Mercury can be manufactured out of our favorite nutrient-rich fish.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The toxin worse on your heart than smoking or cholesterol

Toxic metals, including heavy metals, are metal compounds that negatively impact human health. The American Heart Association recently called out three that harm the heart. But one in particular has been found to have a heart-related death rate six times higher than previously thought…

Jenny Smiechowski

Avoid hidden heavy metals this holiday season

Decorative tableware is never more popular than during the holidays. But those festive platters can serve up toxic metals that shorten lifespans and endanger your heart on par with cholesterol. Before you serve guests, how dangerous is your holiday setting?

Joyce Hollman

When your urine test finds heavy metals and heart trouble

Scientists are drilling down into the serious heart threat heavy metals present to our health, and it’s not pretty. Nor is how easily we are exposed. If you have any doubt how ubiquitous these toxins are, just see what a urine test can reveal…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Women’s Health Alert: Rapid ovary aging, menopause and heart disease

The menopausal transition usually begins between 45 and 55. But a growing threat has been connected to rapid ovary aging as much as 10 years before a woman’s last period. Speeding up the biological clock is one thing, but harsher menopause symptoms and a higher risk for heart disease is another…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Why the ancient Greeks didn’t get dementia, but Romans did

Most of us know at least one person who suffers from cognitive decline, dementia or Alzheimer’s. But was it always like this? Researchers who stepped back in time don’t believe so, but helped pinpoint when and why that changed…