Natural Herbal Remedies

Joyce Hollman

Lower your blood pressure at every meal

Diuretics and ACE inhibitors can be effective in treating high blood pressure. But they come with side effects like diarrhea, lightheadedness and muscle cramping. So, what else is a person to do besides eat right and exercise? Add herbs and spices known to naturally lower blood pressure to foods you already eat.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Ayurvedic ‘sugar destroyer’ can help rein in your sweet tooth

A new study has found a plant compound known as the “sugar destroyer” that’s been used in Ayurvedic medicine, a tradition that goes back three centuries that could help you beat your sweet tooth and put down that chocolate bar…

Joyce Hollman

Chocolate: The sweet way to suppress a cough

Researchers have persisted in looking for natural remedies to act as cough suppressants when honey and lemon just aren’t enough — and narcotics like codeine are way too much. That’s where the chemical in cocoa that knocks out coughs comes in…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Reprogram disease-causing inflammation with this ancient herb

Frankincense could be the key to defeating some of the most frightening diseases of the modern world, thanks to its ability to target inflammatory enzymes to stop the disease cascade.

Joyce Hollman

Antibiotic resistance: One more reason to avoid NSAIDs

Using NSAIDs like Motrin and Advil for pain relief can damage your stomach and put you at risk of heart attack and stroke. But there’s one more reason to reach for something else… these meds could also make it harder for you to battle a resistant infection.

Joyce Hollman

One more reason to use hops for menopause relief

With all the research linking hormone replacement therapy with breast cancer, it’s no wonder many women prefer natural relief for menopause symptoms. After concerns about its possible interactions with common medications, a particularly effective supplement has been given the all-clear…