DIY Health

Joyce Hollman

3 ways belly fat starts disease and slows your brain

The interconnectedness of your brain, your gut, and your immune system is a well-known fact, but maybe one that’s not completely familiar to you. The more you know about it, the more you can do to hold onto your health and keep your independence as you age. And it starts at your belly…

Joyce Hollman

8 common habits that could shorten your life

You have a stressful job. You get home from work, exhausted. You watch TV until you fall asleep, forgetting to brush your teeth. These are just a few of the common habits most of us are guilty of. What’s the harm? These are just a few of 8 behaviors that shave years off your lifespan…

Jenny Smiechowski

The food that fortifies your gut against food poisoning pathogens

Even if you always avoid the potato salad at summer picnics, one day you’ll find yourself crouched next to a toilet cursing the suspicious food that made you so uncomfortable. Luckily, food poisoning doesn’t strike that often. It’s even possible to stack the deck against food-borne pathogens to lower your odds more…

Jenny Smiechowski

Can you catch cancer, heart disease, and lung disease?

Did you know that 70 percent of deaths worldwide are caused by just three lifestyle diseases — heart disease, cancer and lung disease? But what if lifestyle wasn’t the whole story behind so-called “lifestyle” diseases? What if there was something else causing these diseases… something contagious?

Joyce Hollman

Your risk of 7 different cancers is just a walk away

METs stands for metabolic equivalents. Using METs is a way of comparing the energy expenditure of different activities. One MET is defined as the energy you use when you’re resting or sitting still. When I climb the stairs, I could be expending as much as 4 METs. When they add up, you send cancer walking.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 health problems your feet warn you about

Having a little foot pain here and there is not generally something you need to worry about. However, If you live with certain types of foot pain, day in and day out, there could be something more going on. That’s because certain health problems cause foot symptoms that you should never ignore, like these…