DIY Health

Joyce Hollman

Seeking volunteers to control chronic pain

Chronic pain can bring depression and a feeling of hopelessness. It can even cause changes in your brain that can lead to cognitive decline. So the connection between pain and your brain go hand in hand. What if those pain centers of the brain could be deactivated? Would you volunteer to see how it works?

Joyce Hollman

This ‘sure thing’ adds more years to your life

Behavior and lifestyle choices can increase the odds you’ll live a long and healthy life. But, according to research, there’s one behavior a woman can engage in that will grant her more years, and more health to enjoy them…

Joyce Hollman

Essential oils for cuts, scrapes and wounds

Long before Big Pharma was around, essential oils were used to control pain, ease stress and stimulate the immune system to fight colds and flu. Research continues into the ways that essential oils can make us healthier, including their power to control inflammation and help wounds heal quickly and safely.

Jenny Smiechowski

3 diets that halt age-related hearing loss

It’s funny how common certain beliefs about aging are. Everybody will need glasses. Everybody’s memory will slip. Everybody will lose hearing. Well, hold on… A 20 year study says what you eat can help you avoid hearing loss. It’s the best diet you’ve never “heard” of…

Joyce Hollman

Cranberries found to disarm superbugs and make antibiotics more effective

Cranberry juice is perhaps best known as a way to prevent the misery of a urinary tract infection, or UTI. Now, a Canadian study has shown that the mighty berry may also hold an answer to the crisis of antibiotic resistance. That’s because cranberries launch a two-pronged attack to help stop superbugs…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 mood changes that could signal a serious illness

When most of us consider the possibility of disease, we tend to think physical symptoms will be the first indication of a problem. That’s not always the case… Many diseases, including heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and more can present with subtle emotional changes long before any physical ones…