DIY Health

Joyce Hollman

How sitting makes you diabetic

It’s a good thing that research into the benefits of walking is ongoing. It serves to remind us that if we’ve “fallen off the wagon,” spring is a great time to get moving again. Especially if you’re already at risk for diabetes. Because it’s almost shocking how inactivity brews a perfect storm for this disease…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

6 ways to alkalize for a disease-fighting body

While it’s easy to become acidic, especially if you eat a standard Western diet, controlling your body’s pH and alkalize your system is in your hands. If you want to raise your pH and use the power of alkalinity to detoxify and help your body fight off disease, here are the six easiest ways.

Jenny Smiechowski

Does THC pack better health benefits than CBD?

As interest in CBD reaches its pinnacle, another cannabis compound with heaps of health potential is being left in the shadows — THC. Stigma surrounds THC because it’s the stuff that makes you “high.” But let’s put things in perspective for a moment… starting with symptom relief.

Jenny Smiechowski

12 essential oils that attack Lyme disease bacteria

There’s a scientific reason why some people infected with the Lyme disease bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) get saddled with long-term symptoms… Persister cells. How can you prevent them from persisting and making you sick? There are several common herbs that put persisters in their place…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Does pain relief exist without risk of addiction, overdose or death?

Approximately 20 percent of US adults live with chronic pain. That’s over 49 million Americans. You’d think with so many people suffering, the medical community would have a good way to reliably treat it. Nothing is further from the truth. That doesn’t mean you’re powerless, though…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 must-have essential oils (slideshow)

Long before the pharmaceutical industry was ever even thought of, essential oils were being used to prevent illnesses, ease pain and stress and promote healthy living. For anyone looking to live better, healthier and more naturally, there are 5 must-have essential oils to always keep on hand…