DIY Health

Margaret Cantwell

7 ways to keep your job from killing you (because it is)

There’s a lifestyle habit practiced by the majority of American adults that’s so unhealthy, it can increase your risk of coronary heart disease by 42 to 63 percent. Any guesses what it might be? Overeating? Eating processed foods? Drinking soda? Not even close…

Margaret Cantwell

The one thing that undoes your healthiest habits

You might be shocked to find what’s just as bad for your health as gorging on junk food daily. If you’re letting it get the best of you, forget spending money on healthy foods like salmon, quinoa, kale and kefir. Because all your best health habits could go out the window…

Margaret Cantwell

Much ado about a drug that doesn’t even relieve pain

It’s no secret that opioids come with serious side effects: nausea, vomiting, constipation, depression and a huge risk of addiction. Most people put up with these side effects, because opioids made that pain more tolerable. At least that’s what we thought…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Training your fight-or-flight response to keep your heart healthy

Music is a well-known stress management tool, which could be very helpful to someone with heart disease. But let’s hope that you’re not there yet. If that’s the case, there’s another important way music might help keep you from ever having your first heart attack…

Joyce Hollman

Feeling ‘young at heart’ will help you age better

This phenomenon of subjective age is nothing new to most people. What you may not know is that it can be controlled, and that this is a good thing, since it seems that it actually plays a part in determining how long, and how well, you can live…

Jenny Smiechowski

The oil that’s essential for long, healthy hair

As you get older, your hair changes. It thins. It gets more brittle. And your once Rapunzel-like locks begin growing at a snail’s pace. But, you might be glad to know that researchers have found a way to help hair follicles survive longer and stimulate hair growth….