Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 factors that dramatically increase women’s blood clot risk

There are blood clot risks that both men and women face that can change everything in an instant. But every woman should be aware of the intersection of three factors that, for them, can ramp that danger anywhere from double to eight times the risk.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Women and heart disease: The menopause years

I remember when I experienced my first night sweat. I knew it signalled menopause, but also knew there wasn’t much to do about it. After all, hormone therapy was dangerous. But did a flawed study scare women away from a therapy that could lessen thier heart disease risk?

Dr. Michael Cutler

Estrogen replacement methods and management

You may have recently made the decision to give hormone replacement therapy a try. There are several ways to replace low estrogen. And several others factors that can affect how well it works for you.

Margaret Cantwell

The hormone imbalance that sets you up for Alzheimer’s

Hormone treatment therapies of the past have many of us too scared to consider HRT. But there is an urgent reason why you should consider your options… That menopause ‘brain fog’ may not end with the last hot flash. In fact, it could be the reason two-thirds of Alzheimer’s victims are women…

Dr. Michael Cutler

7 reasons to consider bio-identical hormone replacement therapy

Some studies indicate that women who take synthetic, chemically modified prescription hormones for extended periods of time have an increased incidence of breast cancer, heart attack and stroke, and pulmonary embolism. So lets’ talk about bio-identical therapy…

Joyce Hollman

If your heartburn is worse, estrogen could be to blame

If you’re a post-menopausal woman, you may be taking hormones to help slow bone loss and prevent osteoporosis. HRT carries some risks. But one hormone in particular could put you at risk for another condition that has nothing to do with your bones…