Kidney Health

Carolyn Gretton

Keto: The diet that combats polycystic kidney disease

The ketogenic diet has proven great for weight loss and blood sugar control, but not so great for the kidneys. Or so investigators thought, until they took a closer look at the impact of keto on a specific type of kidney disease….

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Key player in kidney disease identified (and a supplement that helps)

37 million Americans live with chronic kidney disease. If you have diabetes or hypertension, you’re at high risk of joining them. Luckily, a new treatment, and better yet, preventative, is on the horizon. Even better, it’s available right now without prescription…

Joyce Hollman

Kidney disease and cluster conditions lead to dangerous heart syndrome

You’ve likely heard of metabolic syndrome by now, even if you don’t have the condition. But if you do and start to have kidney problems, you’re at high risk for a major new heart syndrome affecting one-third of adults across the country…

Joyce Hollman

Kidney stones: The sweet tooth connection

Sugar. We have a love-hate relationship with the sweet stuff that’s as hard to give up as any vice. But the reasons to do so have been stacking up for years. If kidney stones are your bane, then here’s one more reason to tame your sweet tooth…

Jenny Smiechowski

6 common sunscreen chemicals aren’t safe even by FDA standards

Sunscreen is so important for protecting yourself from skin cancer and skin aging. There’s no denying that. Heck, I wear sunscreen on my face and neck every day (even in the winter when the likelihood of me getting any sun is pretty slim) for those very reasons. But sunscreen is far from perfect…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

The vitamin everyone needs (especially diabetics) for kidney protection

Protecting your kidneys is critical to a long and healthy life. But did you know one of the most dangerous and prevalent side effects of type 2 diabetes is kidney damage? So in addition to properly managing diabetes, it’s vitally important to be sure you’re not deficient in this one very important vitamin…