Liver Cleanse

Jenny Smiechowski

The diet that gets most glyphosate out of your body in just 6 days

Dozens of pesticides are used on our food, many of which have been linked to hormone disruption, neurological problems, immune system issues and more. Luckily, recent research shows that you can clear as much as 60 percent of them from your system in under a week with the right foods…

Carolyn Gretton

Cleansing toxic thirdhand smoke from your home and your body

With people spending more time at home than ever before during the pandemic, it’s important to have a clean, safe dwelling. But if you live with a smoker or in a home where smokers once lived, coronavirus isn’t your only concern. Thirdhand smoke and its carcinogens can become deeply embedded in carpets and drywall and later be released back into the air you breathe.

Jenny Smiechowski

How to keep fructose from setting off a chain reaction that leads to liver disease

Eating a lot of sugar and refined grains is hard on your liver. But one type of sugar seems particularly harmful where your liver is concerned — fructose. It triggers a chain of events that leads to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which can then lead to liver damage, liver cancer or even liver failure.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Weed killer now linked to rise in liver disease

You’ve probably heard about the lawsuits over Roundup causing cancer. Its nasty reputation is finally catching up to it… Could you have been exposed? The answer is most certainly, yes. Here’s what you need to know about past exposure and protecting yourself from the newest glyphosate danger… liver disease.

Joyce Hollman

10 best foods to protect your hard-working liver

Without a fully functioning and healthy liver, you could take all the vitamins and supplements in the world, but they wouldn’t do any good. So, pay special attention to eating these ten foods that nourish this crucial organ.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why the liver makes it hard to lose body fat

Your liver is nature’s perfect detoxifier when it’s working on all cylinders. But if you find that you’re having a really hard time losing weight, look at your liver before tackling the fat. It’s just one indication that your liver isn’t working like it’s supposed to…