
Joyce Hollman

5 factors that increase your fall risk and how to beat them

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, three million seniors are treated in emergency rooms every year for fall-related injuries, and one in five of those falls causes serious injury, usually hip fracture or head injury. But you don’t have to become a statistic…

Carolyn Gretton

Want cancer protection? Magnesium levels matter

Magnesium is a critical mineral for hundreds of bodily processes. Now, researchers are exploring exactly how magnesium may help defend the body from cancer — and they’ve discovered it has to do with the immune system…

Joyce Hollman

10 factors that increase bone fracture risk

Research has identified 10 factors that, if they apply to you, add up to a 30 percent higher chance you’ll suffer a fracture in the next two decades. Some of them are beyond your control. But there are a few you can address now to prevent broken bones later on.

Joyce Hollman

6 vitamins and minerals for healthier aging

As we get older, some vitamins and minerals become especially important. We don’t process them as well and need to get more of them from our diet to protect ourselves from health complications that will make our golden years not so golden.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

People who eat pasta have healthier diets and weight

If you’re a pasta lover, I’ve got good news! Despite the bad rap pasta dishes have gotten, new research is revealing that it can be part of a healthy diet and could also help you lose weight and keep your waist trim. But you don’t get the all-clear to slather it with thick, creamy Alfredo sauce…

Margaret Cantwell

4 evidence-based benefits of eating alkaline foods

It’s not a reach to assume that most Americans are walking around in a state of metabolic acidosis. No wonder heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and many other chronic metabolic diseases are rampant. Can an alkaline diet really help? Here are four ways the research says it can…