
Carolyn Gretton

Research reveals stronger metabolic link to dementia

Research has discovered that changes in brain structure and function can occur years before dementia is diagnosed. They’ve also determined factors can put people at higher risk of developing dementia later in life. The metabolic link is one to pay attention to…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The oil that turns fat storage cells into fat burning cells

For the longest, I was stuck with an extra 10 or 15 pounds that I felt I needed to lose. I can’t count how many times I’ve wished for a magic pill that would turn me into a fat burning machine. Well, thanks to researchers in Kyoto, Japan, we may have gotten a little closer to that magic pill.

Carolyn Gretton

The sneaky substances raising women’s blood pressure

Modern living is synonymous with chemicals. And unfortunately, some of them may be inescapable. They’re called “forever chemicals” and there’s no doubt they impact our health. If you’re a woman puzzled about what’s behind your blood pressure, this may be the first place to look…

Joyce Hollman

Genetic cancer risk? Your metabolic risk may weigh heavier

For a long time, cancer research has emphasized the genetic aspect of the disease, that is, the risk we inherit from our parents. Now, though, science is becoming more aware of the environmental and metabolic factors behind cancer that are under our control…

Jedha Dening

Aloe vera: The fat-burning blood sugar balancer

If you’re looking for something to turn your metabolism around, think aloe vera. The thought may conjure up memories of slathering it on sunburns, and while it’s true it’s great for your skin, it’s also considered a ‘functional food’ — meaning it provides health benefits, particularly for metabolic syndrome.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Live cold, die old: How temperature affects lifespan

We’ve all heard the saying, “Live fast, die young.” It’s one that’s stood the test of time since living a fast and risky life is often cut short. Now, there’s one more adage that will likely stand up to that time test, and may have you cranking up your AC: Live cold, die old…