
Carolyn Gretton

The link between grapes, your skin and the sun

You may have heard the phrase “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This holds for many health conditions, like heart disease and diabetes. But few of us realize this wise adage applies to protecting the skin from UV damage too…

Carolyn Gretton

Gut bacteria: The missing piece of the MS puzzle

Evidence keeps stacking up that the gut microbiome plays a strong role in MS. And recent findings reveal systems that may be manipulated for new treatments, perhaps with supplements that promote protective bacteria — without the side effects of medications.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What your tongue can tell you about your heart

If you’re worried about your heart, look in the mirror and say “ah!” Not because it’s time to relax. But because the tongues of people with heart failure look totally different from those of healthy people. Here’s what to look for…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The one thing disrupting your natural protection from obesity and diabetes

Researchers have found that though fats, salt and sugar are the quickest recipe for poor health, one among them does the most damage at making your body ripe for metabolic disease, especially when your natural protection is missing…

Joyce Hollman

Spice it up: A tasty way to a healthier gut

Your gut microbiome needs a variety of bacteria to do its job and keep you healthy. And spice is, as they say, the variety of life. After learning what spices can do for the diversity of your microbiome, that saying may take on a whole new meaning…

Jenny Smiechowski

The diet that improves aging (even in nursing home residents!)

As you age, your body starts breaking down and becomes more inflamed. This leads to frailty… or what’s commonly thought of as “getting old.” You walk slower, feel creakier and just don’t have as much physical or mental spunk as you once did. But here’s something you may not know… the right diet can turn that around!