
Carolyn Gretton

The link between your mouth, strep and coronary artery disease

No one likes the idea of gum disease. Unfortunately, half the world suffers from this affliction and it poses a serious threat to heart health. Unraveling this mysterious connection may have a lot to do with specific bacteria strains in the mouth…

Jenny Smiechowski

4 common drugs that help bad bacteria thrive in your gut

Do you know what your medications are doing to your body? You may know the reason you take it, but you probably don’t know that plenty of drugs, including these commonly used medications, increase the amount of dangerous bacteria in your gut…

Joyce Hollman

The pre-symptomatic Alzheimer’s sign that starts in your gut

Slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s is all we have right now. But once cognitive decline is apparent, is it too late? Instead, the earliest sign may come from the gut. And the more we find out, the closer we are to heading off the mind-stealing disease…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The snack your heart loves that boosts your ‘happy’ hormone

When you reach for sweets or salty chips, your waistline and your health suffer. Don’t worry. If you need a little something to hold you over, there’s one snack that hits so many health marks — if you’re not enjoying it daily, you’re doing yourself a disservice…

Carolyn Gretton

A lager a day keeps your gut flora robust

Numerous studies indicate that alcohol and a disease-free life just don’t mix. But is something about beer different? It’s been tied to fewer infections and blood clots and less inflammation. And now we may know the secret behind its health-promoting benefits…

Carolyn Gretton

What colitis, IBD and leaky gut have in common with vegetable oil

Since the heart-diet hypothesis introduced in the 1950s scared most of us off of animal fats, the FDA and AHA have assured us vegetable oil is a beneficial alternative. But there’s a dark side to a major component of vegetable oil, and you probably didn’t even know you were eating it…