
Margaret Cantwell

NAC: The liver’s ally for healthy aging

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an amino acid essential for antioxidant production. It’s also a powerful detoxifier. But with NAC, you also gain a powerful ally, capable of tackling multiple threats, including those that come with age…

Jenny Smiechowski

The flu-fighting supplement that starves cancer

A supplement that fights respiratory infections has been overshadowed by vitamin C, even though studies show it can reduce the likelihood of getting the flu by more than 50%. But its power to starve cancer might help it stand out…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Antioxidant counters radiation ‘cancer boost’ from CT, PET, X-ray and more

The levels of radiation received during CTs, x-rays and such is generally considered safe. But that might not be the case: Radiation equivalent to three CT scans was shown to give cancer-capable cells a competitive advantage over normal cells. But a simple supplement before your next scan can protect you…