Nutritional Supplements

Joyce Hollman

Choose fruits with flavanols to lower blood pressure

Flavanols are natural antioxidants found in certain fruits and vegetables as well as tea and cocoa. They have well-researched benefits that just keep piling up, like substantially lowering blood pressure to help support arteries and prevent strokes.

Carolyn Gretton

The common nutrient that could help fight obesity

There’s no question obesity is a serious disease that’s spreading among Americans. And scientists are working overtime to find ways to treat it beyond the usual diet and exercise. One group of researchers may have found an answer hidden in a common vitamin…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

2 major reasons you need more CoQ10

CoQ10 is an essential nutrient that works like an antioxidant in your body promoting heart health, slowing down the effects of aging and powering trillions of your body’s cells. But a couple of factors are notorious for stealing it, including this list of common medications…

Jenny Smiechowski

The most important number on your vitamin D test

Based on all the latest research, your vitamin D levels may be a window into your future. They can determine your risk for conditions like heart disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer, osteoporosis and diabetes. The free, circulating vitamin D levels in your blood may be the best indicator of whether your vitamin D levels are in the danger zone.

Jenny Smiechowski

How vitamin C can save your muscles from shrinking

Once you’re over 50, you lose about one percent of your muscle mass per year. Not only can it lead to frailty, but it’s also linked to a higher risk of physical disability and even type-2 diabetes. So how do you prevent your muscle mass from slipping away with age? The answer may be simpler than you’d think…

Joyce Hollman

6 vitamins and minerals for healthier aging

As we get older, some vitamins and minerals become especially important. We don’t process them as well and need to get more of them from our diet to protect ourselves from health complications that will make our golden years not so golden.