Omega-3 Support

Carolyn Gretton

Omegas-3s may help slow pulmonary fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis is a lung disease that involves lung scarring and low blood oxygen levels. Current treatments can only help its symptoms so much. But researchers have discovered a link between improved lung function and a common nutrient found in fish and flaxseeds…

Carolyn Gretton

The omega-3 fatty acid that essentially blocks pain

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids —“essential” because your body can’t make them. Without them you could be in a world of hurt if you don’t consume enough, not just because they promote heart and brain health, but because research is zeroing in on how one in particular blocks pain signals…

Joyce Hollman

The nutrient your lungs need before flu season

Every day we get reports about how to improve brain and heart health. But if you can’t breathe, it’s all for naught. With one of the biggest threats to your lungs around the corner, here’s the one supplement to boost healthy lung function…

Jedha Dening

Two kinds of fat your brain needs to reduce stroke risk

Stroke is perhaps the scariest of all vascular conditions. Odds are one in six of us will suffer one at some point. But research says that adding two specific fats to our diets won’t only lower risks for the development of stroke but reduce the severity should one happen…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The answer to gum disease found in fish oil

By the age of 65, the risk of periodontal disease, a gum infection that erodes soft tissue and bone, leading to tooth loss, is more than 70 percent. But a simple nutrient appears to get to the “root” cause, supporting stem cells in the gums that may hold onto your teeth…

Carolyn Gretton

Living with Lupus: The vitamin deficiency you can’t afford to ignore

Metabolic syndrome combines insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity for a high risk of heart trouble and stroke. If you have lupus, you may be shocked to find yourself in the crosshairs of this dangerous condition.