Pain Management

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 ways an unhealthy gut worsens arthritis and joint pain

More and more health problems are being linked to an unhealthy gut, from Parkinson’s to Alzheimer’s and heart disease. But osteoarthritis and worsening joint pain? You’ll be a believer when they detail how fixing your gut may be the truest way to find lasting relief.

Carolyn Gretton

The post-heart attack symptom you should never ignore

Chest pain is one of the classic symptoms of heart attack. But that pain usually passes after the heart attack has been treated. Or does it? If you find yourself still experiencing any pain months or years after your heart attack, here’s why you should never ignore it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Break the feedback loop that fuels pain

Pain is often poorly understood until you realize that pain, depression and anxiety are frequent fellow travelers, thanks to a bi-directional feedback loop. If you only seek treatment for what’s happening in your muscles, joints and nerves, it could be a painful journey…

Carolyn Gretton

The omega-3 fatty acid that essentially blocks pain

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids —“essential” because your body can’t make them. Without them you could be in a world of hurt if you don’t consume enough, not just because they promote heart and brain health, but because research is zeroing in on how one in particular blocks pain signals…

Joyce Hollman

What a doctor with cancer discovered about cannabis

No matter the cancer type, when it comes to treatment, chemo brain, pain and poor sleep are along for the ride. And even though some doctors are supportive of alternatives like CBD, they don’t know what to tell their patients. A doctor with cancer believes her research can…

Jordan Fuller

Got osteoarthritis? Why you should be golfing

Being diagnosed with osteoarthritis can feel like a prison sentence. You might think your sporting days are over, but golfing has been proven to be one of the best activities for those with this condition. Here are the benefits and reasons why you should be golfing…