
Joyce Hollman

It’s official: Cranberries keep urinary tract infections away

Centuries ago, Native Americans valued cranberries for bladder health. And like me, you probably grew up with a mom who suggested cranberry juice to avoid UTIs. But science scoffed at this anecdotal evidence, chalking it up to an old wives’ tale. That is, until now…

Joyce Hollman

The real reason fiber keeps disease away

The fact that fiber is essential to gut health is no surprise. But the role our gut plays in many other aspects of our health is coming to light in tons of research. Now we have a big clue as to why: hidden compounds that keep disease at bay…

Joyce Hollman

10 natural ways to make ‘onion breath’ go away

Onions are right up there with green tea and red grapes for their polyphenol content. That makes them more powerful than a lot of highly-rated superfoods. So eat to your heart’s content and follow these tips to reap the benefits without the onion breath!

Carolyn Gretton

How purple produce pushes back at blood sugar problems

The anthocyanins found in purple, blue and red plants pack a powerful punch against a host of inflammatory-related conditions and blood sugar issues. But researchers digging deeper into the impact of these powerful antioxidants have discovered an interesting quirk as to why they’re so effective at reducing diabetes risk…

Carolyn Gretton

Mediterranean diet improves cancer treatment for melanoma

Polyphenols are a subset of phytonutrients that are especially “bioactive.” They’re known for drug-like effects in human health. Considering the plethora of nutrition in the Mediterranean diet, finding it’s helpful in cancer treatment is no surprise…

Carolyn Gretton

The link between grapes, your skin and the sun

You may have heard the phrase “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This holds for many health conditions, like heart disease and diabetes. But few of us realize this wise adage applies to protecting the skin from UV damage too…