
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Women urged to eat this blood pressure ‘kryptonite’

If I had a dollar for every time a doctor told me to cut down my salt intake… But what if something could counter salt’s bad effects? Sort of a “kryptonite” that weakened its impact on blood pressure? Sound too good to be true? This time it’s not…

Joyce Hollman

The sneaky way salt can lead to diabetes

If you’re at risk for type 2 diabetes, hopefully, you already know the ground rules, like avoiding high glycemic foods. But what most of us don’t know is that salting our food can be as quick a path to diabetes as sugar…

Joyce Hollman

Less salt, more bananas could save your memory

Cognitive decline can lead to dementia, and dementia is irreversible. But if you keep your intake of sodium low and your potassium intake high enough to support blood flow through the brain you might just avoid it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How salt hijacks your immune system to work against your heart

While it’s been known for years that salt and blood pressure risk go hand-in-hand, the risk was associated with the increased fluid sodium pulls into the bloodstream and its effects on the kidneys. But it turns out salt’s effect on the immune system may be responsible for the real culprit.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Heart failure: A little less salt, a lot more relief

When you see your doctor about your heart, the main dietary advice you’ll get is to cut down on salt. While that’s been standard advice for more than a century, no one really knew how much salt is too much. Or in this case how little you have to give up for a lot of relief…

Joyce Hollman

Cut your risk of premature death 28% at the dinner table

While science is finding we’re capable of living much longer, many of us succumb to habits that cheat us of even an average lifespan. In fact, four in one hundred of us die early, when ditching one simple habit can bring those numbers down significantly…