
Joyce Hollman

Why women who struggle to sleep risk high blood pressure

Are you a woman who struggles to sleep enough hours a night? Do you have trouble staying asleep? Diabetes and Alzheimer’s could be in your future. But the increased risk of high blood pressure caused by poor sleep may be a more immediate problem…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Weekend sleep-ins won’t undo sleep deficit heart damage

In recent years, experts have declared sleep “essential to health” for its significant impact on our health. So, if you’re still skimping by and thinking you can make up for it by sleeping in occassionally, this is your wake-up call coming from your heart…

Jenny Smiechowski

10 houseplants NASA says will make you feel better

How would you like to add some greenery to your bedroom that can help you sleep better, suffer fewer colds or allergies, and experience less anxiety–thanks to the proven power of plants to purify your air? Well, check out this list to see which ones can benefit you the most… NASA approved!

Joyce Hollman

How junk food interferes with brain-cleaning deep sleep

Have you gone to bed too soon after a slice of pizza, only to toss and turn with indigestion? Junk food can do far worse. It appears to be a culprit in altering slow-wave brain activity essential to the deep restorative sleep that “cleans” toxins from your brain…

Carolyn Gretton

Could a sleeping pill prevent Alzheimer’s?

Research has established a definite link between poor sleep and cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s. Sleep medication seems the easy answer, but some of those can also raise dementia risks. But there’s a new pill on the block, and researchers think it has potential to lower amyloid and tau…

Carolyn Gretton

Peripheral artery disease: How sleep contributes to the pain in your legs

The most noticeable symptom of peripheral artery disease is pain and cramping caused by poor blood flow to the muscles in the legs. It occurs most often when walking, but you may be surprised how much sleep has to do with it…