
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The lasting damage anger does to your blood vessels

Emotions like anger, sadness and anxiety have long been associated with heart attack. We often imagine one big event that pushes our emotions over the edge and sends us to the ER. But it’s the short bursts of anger you should be worried about unless you’ve already got some protection…

Carolyn Gretton

When stroke triples the risk of dementia

The idea of suffering a stroke is a scary one. And what makes it even scarier are the potential long-term consequences. Researchers have known a link exists between stroke and higher dementia risk, but now they know that risk triples in a surprisingly short period of time…

Joyce Hollman

The salt that doesn’t raise your blood pressure

If you’re a candidate for high blood pressure, you’ve surely been advised to lay off the salt. But what if you could have your salt and eat it, too? There’s another kind of salt out there, and though you may have to search for it, it’s well worth the reward…

Joyce Hollman

The one food that fights both cancer and stroke

Researchers conducted a series of tests on compounds commonly found in plants to see which, if any, might have a stronger tendency to prevent deadly blood clots. It just so happens the winner also has powerful anti-cancer clout too…

Carolyn Gretton

Microplastic discovered in artery-clogging plaques

Plaque buildup clogs arteries and can lead to stroke and heart attack. This nasty mixture consists of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste, calcium and fibrin. But a shocking new ingredient seen in surgically removed plaques may make them even more dangerous.

Carolyn Gretton

Real or artificial: The sweet drinks linked to AFib

Sugar may taste sweet. But its health impacts are anything but. And artificial sweeteners have lots of problems of their own. The best advice? Unless you want to risk AFib and stroke, quench your thirst, not your sweet tooth…