
Joyce Hollman

The salt that doesn’t raise your blood pressure

If you’re a candidate for high blood pressure, you’ve surely been advised to lay off the salt. But what if I told you that you could, well, have your salt and eat it, too? That’s right — there’s another kind of salt out there, and though you may have to search for it, it’s well worth the reward…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are these blood pressure drugs damaging your kidneys?

Most of us don’t think twice when a doctor prescribes blood pressure medication. After all, high blood pressure is dangerous and medication lowers those risks. But is it that simple? It’s time you heard the truth about those drugs and the damage they could be doing to your kidneys…

Carolyn Gretton

Keto: The diet that combats polycystic kidney disease

The ketogenic diet has proven great for weight loss and blood sugar control, but not so great for the kidneys. Or so investigators thought, until they took a closer look at the impact of keto on a specific type of kidney disease….

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising deficiency that could raise diabetes risk

If you find yourself perpetually shortchanged on sleep, it can do a lot worse than make you cranky and foggy. it can raise your risk of heart disease and diabetes, And if you’re a woman who has trouble sleeping, research shows you could be at greater risk for poor cardiometabolic health…

Jenny Smiechowski

This cholesterol-lowering vitamin could cause eye damage

If you have high cholesterol, you may be on the hunt for natural alternatives to statins. Why? Because statins have serious side effects, like muscle damage, liver damage, memory loss and an increased risk of diabetes, to name a few. This one works so well your doctor may recommend it. Just be careful…

Carolyn Gretton

The Wegovy plateau you should know about

Wegovy and other GLP-1 agonists, hailed as miracle drugs, have helped people drop pounds like nobody’s business. But a new consequence no one’s talking about is how these drugs work until they just don’t anymore, and the weight isn’t the only thing that comes back…