
Dr. Michael Cutler

Testicular hypofunction: A newer look at causes and treatment

As men age, we naturally lose our testosterone levels. This is known as andropause, and can often lead to reduced muscle strength, low sex drive, lack of energy and motivation and decreased self-confidence. Let’s look at how to treat this condition…

Craig Cooper

Testosterone replacement therapy: What it will and won’t do

Ads for testosterone supplementation or testosterone replacement therapy are only too happy to sell you the dream: higher testosterone, better sex, enhanced libido, improved mood, smaller waistline, stronger muscles, more energy. But can they do what they say?

Craig Cooper

Testosterone levels: What’s normal?

As a society, we tend to place a lot of significance on certain words. The word “normal” is one of them. With that in mind, one of the most often asked questions in the field of men’s health is “what are normal testosterone levels?”

Craig Cooper

3 ways you can increase your testosterone

If you listen to the media, you might think it easy to believe the only way to boost your testosterone and energy levels is by springing for testosterone replacement therapy. However, there are free natural testosterone boosters available to all of us every day.

Craig Cooper

Is low T your problem? Take the quiz

Low energy? Not feeling like sex? It could be low testosterone. Take the following quiz to see if you have any of the symptoms and how they add up… Then, check out these all-natural things you can do to boost your testosterone and start feeling like yourself again…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Can you trust the claims testosterone supplements make?

Today, men have more options for boosting their testosterone levels. But before you jump on the supplement bandwagon, you may want to compare the claims to what the scientific literature is saying…