Ubiquinol CoQ10

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Walk this way to add 11 extra years to your life

Do you need a little incentive to be more active? Who doesn’t? My favorite part of the day is when I get to put my feet up and relax, if only for a short while. But when I learned I could trade some of that time for 11 extra years, I was on board, almost…

Margaret Cantwell

CoQ10: Your personal fountain of youth

St. Augustine, Florida, is said to be where Ponce de Leon discovered the legendary fountain of youth. If you’re looking for a lovely vacation, St. Augustine is a great choice. But if you’re looking for your own fountain of youth, how about an option heavier on science than myth…

Jenny Smiechowski

6 supplements that lift lagging energy levels

Some people have plenty of energy. They’re out at Fleetwood Mac concerts. Cooking boeuf bourguignon for the family. Keeping a house so clean and well-decorated it would make Martha Stewart jealous. But if you’re not one of them, these six supplements can help you get your energy and your life back!

Joyce Hollman

Is CoQ10 the answer to chronic fatigue syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome has puzzled doctors for decades. People with the debilitating condition have felt left out in the cold and worse, told “it’s all in their head.” But several recent studies have found that low blood levels of an important nutrient may be to blame…

Carolyn Gretton

The link between CoQ10 and age-related frailty

Frailty can strike anyone over the age of 65, and the subtle changes can sneak up if you’re not careful. The factor that makes it more likely is the loss of a certain nutrient that circulates in your blood less and less with each passing birthday, increasing vulnerability to this scourge of aging…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The single nutrient that raises good cholesterol and supports liver health

HDL is the good cholesterol we all want more of. Easier said than done, right? Actually, it just got easier. And that’s a doubly good thing because not only is HDL good for the heart, research has found it’s also liver-protective. So time to get on board with improving your HDL with the single nutrient that can help you meet all these needs…