Vitamin D

Carolyn Gretton

Conclusive: Vitamin D’s viral ‘protective effect’

During the pandemic, there was a lot of research into how nutrition might give us an edge, and one vitamin stood out. Now that the worst appears to be behind us, you may be wondering what was ultimately decided. Does vitamin D have exceptional clout or not?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The anti-heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breast cancer vitamin

I have a medicine cabinet packed with different vitamins and supplements. But, of all of them, there is one that is by far the most important. Without it, your risk of metabolic syndrome and heart attack, stroke and diabetes goes up considerably, not to mention cancer…

Carolyn Gretton

Vitamin D metabolism: Why it’s not a one-size-fits-all vitamin

Studies into vitamin D have produced mixed results. Take the VITAL trial that saw reductions in cancer deaths and autoimmune diseases with vitamin D up to 40% in some people, and minimal results in others. Now we know why: it’s not a one-size-fits-all vitamin.

Easy Health Options Staff

8 things you didn’t know vitamin D does

You go to the doctor for your yearly check-up and say to him, “Doc, I want a pill that will make me stronger, smarter, healthier, disease proof, age-proof, thinner and with great skin and strong bones. Got anything like that?” In a perfect world, the doctor would say, “Yes, I do. It’s called vitamin D.” Here’s why…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The common sense rule for best vitamin benefits

You can’t pick up a product these days without finding not only instructions on how to use it, but warnings on how not to, usually because one person did something most people with common sense wouldn’t dream of. Let’s talk about vitamin D and that guy…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The vitamin duo that beats depression and anxiety: K2 + D3

If you’re living with depression and anxiety, don’t suffer in silence or from the unwanted side effects of prescription antidepressants. Two vitamins have been shown to boost a depressed mood and relieve anxiety — especially when combined. Get your groove back, naturally…