Vitamin D

Easy Health Options Staff

8 things you didn’t know vitamin D does

You go to the doctor for your yearly check-up and say to him, “Doc, I want a pill that will make me stronger, smarter, healthier, disease proof, age-proof, thinner and with great skin and strong bones. Got anything like that?” In a perfect world, the doctor would say, “Yes, I do. It’s called vitamin D.” Here’s why…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The common sense rule for best vitamin benefits

You can’t pick up a product these days without finding not only instructions on how to use it, but warnings on how not to, usually because one person did something most people with common sense wouldn’t dream of. Let’s talk about vitamin D and that guy…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The vitamin duo that beats depression and anxiety: K2 + D3

If you’re living with depression and anxiety, don’t suffer in silence or from the unwanted side effects of prescription antidepressants. Two vitamins have been shown to boost a depressed mood and relieve anxiety — especially when combined. Get your groove back, naturally…

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘d’eeper problem behind age-related muscle weakness

Sarcopenia is the progressive loss of muscle mass, strength and functionality associated with aging. But have you heard of dynapenia? If you want to keep fraily, falls and decline out of your future, you need to understand how deep age-related muscle loss goes.

Joyce Hollman

Is your thyroid OK? Check your feet

Low thyroid function is common in women over 60, but it’s often misdiagnosed as menopausal depression and fatigue. But if you’ve not been feeling like yourself and suspect something’s off, check your feet for these telltale signs…

Easy Health Options Staff

This vitamin gets sucked from your body when you soak up the sun

Sensibly soaking up the sun is a good way to boost your vitamin D. But research shows that while you’re soaking up the sun, the sun is soaking up your stores of another very important vitamin — one that can help your body fend off some pretty nasty illnesses and chronic conditions…