weight gain

Joyce Hollman

How leaky gut leads to weight gain

Digestive troubles are so common, we pay them little mind. But the condition that allows bacterial toxins to leak into the bloodstream causes bigger problems: A cycle of weight gain and the inability to lose weight, by changing how the body metabolizes fat.

Joyce Hollman

Metabolism slowing with age? Reverse it

It seems unfair that when we hit a certain age, our metabolism slows down, the weight starts to hang on and the risks of dangerous health conditions ramp up. But thanks to a better understanding of the type of fats we carry, your age-related metabolism change could be reversed…

Joyce Hollman

How ultra-processed foods destroy your hunger hormones

Astrocytes are star-shaped cells in the brain that express receptors for hormones, including ghrelin, which signals hunger, and its counterpart, leptin, which signals fullness. But just 10 days of the wrong foods dismantles that whole system…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The gene that makes eating just one potato chip impossible

We all know that one person who eats just one bite of cake at a birthday party and can open an entire bag of potato chips and really eat just one — while the rest of us struggle to put down the bag. What’s the difference between us and them?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

It’s not your diet: Why breathing is making us fat

Nothing is more frustrating than seeing numbers on a scale tipping in the wrong direction, no matter how much calorie counting you’ve done. Is it your diet? Hormones? Or the air you breathe? It’s not high in calories, but it’s high in something else science says packs on the pounds…

Carolyn Gretton

How eating late makes body fat ‘grow’

Most experts advise against midnight snacking if you want to maintain a healthy weight, partly because it causes an unhealthy spike in blood sugar. But there are three additional factors affected by late-night eating, and you’ll definitely want to avoid the one that makes your body fat grow…