weight loss

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is exercise the secret to being skinny? Think again!

Have you ever looked at a thin person and assumed they must workout a lot? Because the secret to being thin is burning calories, right? The truth is thin people tend to be far less active than those of us with a few extra pounds. Turns out there’s something else up their sleeve…

Joyce Hollman

The ONE diet found to be the easiest to stick to and lose weight

If you’re locked in a constant struggle with weight, you know what to eat is the daily question, and often a confusing one. There is so much diet advice out there! You’ll be happy to know that, based on research, a group of scientists is backing one particular diet as the best candidate for sustained weight loss…

Carolyn Gretton

Can an avocado a day really help you lose weight?

There’s no doubt avocados are high in fat and calories. But can eating them actually help you lose weight? Smaller studies have suggested that’s the case. What did the largest and longest study to date on the health impacts of avocados find?

Joyce Hollman

Reducing cravings: An added benefit of exercise

Exercise should be part of any weight-loss strategy. But can it do more? Scientists have looked into how it may help us resist the foods that often sabotage our best efforts. And it’s promising enough that you may start disliking exercise a whole lot less…

Easy Health Options Staff

6 Simple weight loss hacks you’ve never heard of (slideshow)

Instead of giving up on a fit, healthy body (or trying to starve yourself to lose weight,) these six simple weight loss hacks may be just what the doctor ordered to drop those unwanted pounds.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why cutting calories could cut your colon cancer risk

While we used to think of colon cancer as a concern for those middle-aged and older, more people are being diagnosed under the age of 50. And while plenty of research speculates as to why that is, the best is finding ways to keep it from happening to you…