Three spices for natural pain relief


The root of health, and pain relief

Turmeric is a brilliant yellow (and sometimes orange) root grated and used as one of the most recognizable flavorings in Indian cuisine. It’s most active health enhancing component is a substance called curcumin.

Curcumin is proven to reduce inflammation while helping the body to heal. Chronic, acute and low-grade inflammation are major causes of pain and poor health. While acute inflammation is a natural biological response to injury, stress, and pathogens, its long-term effects are unhealthy, causing serious health concerns like heart disease.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health note: “Laboratory and animal research has demonstrated anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties of turmeric and its constituent curcumin.”

Impressively, there are more than 5,500 peer-reviewed clinical studies demonstrating curcumin’s benefits. Recent studies suggest that turmeric is as effective as, yet safer than, more than a dozen prescription medications.

Read: 3 tips to optimize turmeric’s cancer-fighting powers

Dr. Mark Wiley

By Dr. Mark Wiley

Dr. Mark Wiley is an internationally renowned mind-body health practitioner, author, motivational speaker and teacher. He holds doctorates in both Oriental and alternative medicine, has done research in eight countries and has developed a model of health and wellness grounded in a self-directed, self-cure approach. Dr. Wiley has written 14 books and more than 500 articles. He serves on the Health Advisory Boards of several wellness centers and associations while focusing his attention on helping people achieve healthy and balanced lives through his company, Tambuli Media.